"Rev"-up your sensor solutions !!!

We design sensors of many types, for you to manufacture & sell

  • Over 20 years experience in Technology Management and Sensor Design
  • Including: Linear and Rotary Position, Velocity, Acceleration, Gas Analysis
  • Pressure, Temperature, Moisture/humidity, Flow, Liquid level, LVDT, Inductive
  • Optical, Capacitive, Hall Effect, Magnetoresistive, Chemiluminescence, Infra Red
  • Magnetostrictive, Paramagnetic, Flame Ionization, Electrochemical, Sonar
  • Distributed Impedance (NyceWaveTM), Intrinsic Safety, Inerting, & Intellectual Property Protection
  • We can design your next sensor, improve your current product, help you apply a sensor
  • or improve your Technical Management and Development Systems


Revolution vs Evolution

Many sensor suppliers and users are satisfied with the normal evolutionary pace of advancement of their products, making small changes as needed to keep up with the competition, and thinking along the lines of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". That's OK if your customers are easy to please and you have the time, but evolution is a slow process.

At Revolution Sensor Company, we don't believe in waiting for evolution. If it ain't broke, break it!   Bring on that evolution-busting meteor! Instead of evolutionary change, we believe in revolutionary change. Rather than keeping up with the competition, break away into new directions!

We have the experience to understand what's been done before, coupled with the extensive knowledge and high energy needed to shake up your industry. Let us help you to energize and guide your current technical staff, to deliver a turnkey product design, or to provide design info for your engineers to take it from there. 


Experienced and Capable

As the owner of Revolution Sensor Company, David S. Nyce (BSEE, MBA) is a scientist, engineer, author, inventor, and technology manager with extensive experience in sensor research, design, and product development. He worked as an electronics engineer, mechanical engineer, and chemical engineer during his previous employment at six different sensor companies. He held the titles of development engineer, project engineer, chief engineer, vice president, director of technology, and general manager, including positions with Honeywell and MTS Systems Corporation, where he developed many sensor technologies.

He is the inventor on 29 US patents, has published numerous technical articles and papers, and has written multiple sections in each of several engineering technical reference books that are in popular use worldwide, including "The Measurement, Instrumentation and Sensors Handbook", the "Instrument Engineers' Handbook - Process Measurement and Analysis", the " Instrument Engineers' Handbook - Process Control and Optimization",  " Instrument Engineers' Handbook - Process Software and Digital Networks", "Measurement and Safety", and Analysis and Analyzers".  He is the author of the books: "Linear Position Sensors, Theory and Application" (published in 2004),  "POSITION SENSORS" (published in 2016), both published by John Wiley and Sons), and "Understanding Position Sensors", published by CRC Press 2023. Dave has also authored numerous non-technical magazine articles, is an airplane & helicopter pilot, NRA certified firearms instructor, likes beach doubles volleyball, hunting, fishing, shooting, knife-throwing, photography, beer & wine making, archery, boating, and has many other hobbies. He works with a foster care center, teaching the kids to build and fly model airplanes and amateur rockets, and to build and operate model rocket cars.

Be assured that Revolution Sensor Company also has a capable group of associates (PCB layout, CAD drawing, PCB fab, PCB assy, mathematician, software writers, etc.) for providing whatever design, documentation, hardware, and software that may be needed for your sensor design or application.

Revolution has a wide array of equipment in their on-site laboratories, including environmental chamber, furnaces, microscopes, vacuum and pressure sytems, linear and rotary positioners, laboratory gas supplies, micro soldering stations, vacuum pick & place, hot air solder reflow, spectrum analyzers, oscilloscopes, frequency counters, arbitary waveform genterators and function generators, high resolution multimeters, etc.  

Please contact Dave Nyce at dn@rev.bz


David S. Nyce, Revolution Sensor Company, 315 Calico Drive, New Bern, NC   252 349 7000,  dn@rev.bz

"SENSOR" license plate
Catfish with Annie Baby